Planning for 2022

With the Spring HOA meeting about 10 weeks away, I have been creating a game plan to provide all of you relevant information.


At the Spring meeting all of you will have an opportunity to vote for our Board members.

Since I will be providing information in these newsletters, it is important to ensure everyone gets the information.  

I have identified 27 of our residents who have not signed up for the newsletter.  Therefore, I will be sure hardcopies are delivered to those residents,

2022 Directory

It is the time of year to update our Gardens of Oak Hollow Directory.  So, please be sure your information is correct.  If not, or if you are new to our Community, please provide your Block Captain with information for the directory:

  • name
  • address
  • email
  • phone
  • emergency contact

HOA Dues


Annual HOA dues of $150 are due in April each year.  

In one of our first Newsletters, I discussed the non-mandatory status of our HOA.  While the Gardens of Oak Hollow Restrictive Covenants are mandatory for our homes, the dues for the Homeowners Association are not mandatory.

The small dues are vital and our residents step up to support our community.  The majority of these funds go for upkeep of the six common areas.

In a future newsletter when we discuss the responsibilities of the Treasurer, we will provide a more detailed summary of how these funds are used.