Our Block Captains can be the most visible and helpful neighbors.
A real positive for our community.
Closest Neighbors
Our Community has only 81 homes and it is subdivided into six smaller divisions. A Block Captain (someone who lives is that smaller area) is named to help each of us connect with our closest neighbors and our Community at large..
First Contact
Ideally, the Block Captain is one of the first neighbors to meet our new residents to provide a friendly welcome to the Gardens.
The Block Captain can be a valuable resource to help new residents settle into our Community. Along with answering general question, they are also available to answer any questions they may have about the Community and our Covenants.
The Block Captain also is the liaison between the residents on their Block with the Home Owner Association Board. This provides a smooth channel to address questions, concerns and grievances on their street
Your Part
Since Block Captains represent only a few homes, these are not elected by the whole community. The HOA Boards names the Block Captains from residents who are willing to work closely with their immediate neighbors.
So what a great way for you to become more involved with the HOA and community at large. Talk with your block captain.