Mark you Calendars: Our annual HOA General meeting has be scheduled.
March 21, 2022
6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Brook Hollow Public Library
The purpose of our Gardens of Oak Hollow Homeowners Association (HOA) is to:
- promote a sense of pride for the residents;
- promote the image of the Gardens
- provide a forum for airing of grievance
- promote the common good and general welfare.
HOA Executive Board Election
One of the main activities at the Spring Meeting is to elect the four members of the Executive Board: President / Vice President / Treasurer /Secretary.
A. Nominating Committee has been named and will provide further details following their first organization meeting.
Annual Dues
The annual membership dues of ($150 per home) are due April 1, just after the General meeting. The Treasurer’s Report will be presented at the General meeting. One of the major expenditures continues to be the maintenance of the six common areas in our community. .