Survey Results

The last two Newsletters included a short anonymous surveys (open one week each) for a quick snapshot of our Community.  An even cross-section of our neighbors took time to answer the surveys


Both surveys asked what action you could take if you observe a violation (large or small) to the Restrictive Covenants?

Here are some of the “other” responses that were included:

  • This is a tough one. If it’s recurring, it needs to be brought up to the Board. Action to be determined by the Board.
  • Talk with the resident.
  • Give them a heads up, as time may be a factor. Then go to Block Captain.
  • I know what the answer is supposed to be but squealing on my neighbor is not my style.

My Thoughts

I agree that this can be a tough one.  The look and feel of our Community is an asset we all treasure and need to protect.  I believe that getting to know our neighbors sets the stage for open conversations – Even conversations about the Covenants.

HOA Board Members

Our community is blessed to have a few of our neighbors who have volunteered to take their turn on the HOA Board.  This can be a thankless task but it is important for the Community as a whole.  Gives some thought to taking your turn at one of the offices some where down the road. 

For now, let’s give our HOA Board our support and help where we can.